About me


Ok, I think I have to introduce myself first. Hi I'm Daphne, I'm a black/blue haired emo girl. I'm born in the Netherlands (4th october 1999). On instagram I'm better known as Blackapple333. I also have my own Youtube channel. I turned emo in 2016 and sinds then I'm totally in love with this subculture and the music. I have a lot of hobbys and one of them is studying. I love to read and learn about new things. even about the emo subculture, music, clothes and history.


Some things about the emo subculture are so difficult to find on the internet. The information is spread and not complete. I thought it would be cool if there would exist an emo website with all the information collected on one website. Well... I'm going to make that dream website now. I will collect all information about emo on this website. I get this information from the internet, books or from other emos. I don't believe there is falsh information because I think emo evolved in many ways in many countrys. On this website you can write comments under each chapter to share you're information about emo, or to emprove a chapter. Maybe I can write a new chapter. I hope we all can build one big emo source of information!                                                


XXX Daphne

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Pp licker
5 months ago

Ur weird.

7 months ago

<script>console.log("I love emo stuff")</script>

a year ago

you have nice style. Can you give me your snap?

2 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVgwgNktEf0 I saw this video and the comments were turned off and didnt know where else to say this. but uhh thank you for the great tutorial! :D

2 years ago

Eres muy hermosa y me encantaria poder conocerla atraves de mensaje y que dices si luego vemos q pasa jejeje

Your emo historian
2 years ago

Hey, I made a playlist of emo’s timeline in music. Check it out!


Funky Beat
2 years ago

Love to see someone talk about 3rd wave equivalently to the rest of the waves.

Mrs. Biersack!!<33
2 years ago

Hii! :3 Just a Quick Question. .Do you Like Black Veil Brides? If you never heard of them, Go listen right now!! I recommend it too!!

3 years ago

aaaaa ur site lookz so kewllll !!!! xDDD i luv it smm !!!! xDDDD

3 years ago
