The difference between emo and scene
A lot of people do wonder: What's the difference between emo and scene? Not much people know to call the differences between these 2 subcultures. Emo and scene do look alot like each other and sometimes there is a misconception between these 2 and are often confused with each other. I personally think that these 2 look like each other because they inspired eachother on myspace and were conected. Here we are going to talk about the differences between emo and scene:
If you would ask a random person what exactly is the difference between emo and scene, than they mostly will answer with: Scene and emo are the same but scene is a more colorful dressed emo. Well... most scenes do dress more colorfull than emos do but this isn't what makes the difference. The thing is that you actually can't see when someone is emo or scene. Some emos do wear colorfull clothes and sometimes scenes do wear black clothes. The thing that makes the difference lay in their character and origing.
Emo stands short for emotional-hardcore. A music style which is a subgenre of hardcore-punk but with Emotional lyrics. The emo subculture is created by emotional-hardcore fans that identified them selves with this music genre. The whole emo subculture is based on the music and this also reveals the emo personality. Emotional-hardcore has very emotional and personal lyrics which means an emo has an emotional, sensitive personality. This subculture and music atracks mostly people with a more emotional, sensitive and introverted personallity and they often feel disaffectioned. Their clothes reveal how they feel and that's why they are often dressed in black.

Social media was a new thing back then. With the launch of Myspace, the emo subculture was getting more popular and got a bigger fanbase. Some people did like the emo fashion but didn't identificate them selves with this culture. This created the scene subculture. Scenes do have a wider music interest and they also can like emotional-hardcore. The difference is that scene kids don't idenfacte themselves with this. Scenes are more of the fasion and the populairity. Some scenes don't like it to be called emo, they see that as an insult. Scenes are often known as happy, extraverted, crazy, girly and collorful people. Scenes do like attention and have a lot of friends. A scene girl named Eve O'Brien described scenes as happy emos. Being a happy person does make you wear bright colors ofcours!

So emos: - Do like Emotional-hardcore, - Are introverted, - Are emotional, - Are sensitive.
And scenes: - Are focust on clothes, - Are extraverted, - Are happy, - Do have a wider music interest.
Scenes and emos both are really focused on being yourself. They both share their feelings and personality by their appearance. I hope you understand now that the difference between emo and scene isn't about the colors they wear. It's about the person him/her self. Like most people say: You wear what you like and clothes reveale who you are.
Sources: wikipedia, wikipedia, differencebetween, i-d.vice, wikipedia,
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Those DOGSHIT styles are both the FUCKING same I bet you cry to ur mommy and cut yourself
I'm emo and scene, kinda dark, kinda colorful. If that makes sense.
i wish style scene emo
A great article, I love it <3