Eye Makeup
Emo kids do like to wear makeup too, both by women and men. The basic emo makeup is just a simple layer of eyeliner. But that's just the basic. There are far more emo makeup styles than just a thin layer of eyeliner. Every emo has his/her own makeup style but because they inspire eachother on youtube or socialmedia, a lot of these styles are very common. Here I'll collect some eye makeup styles that are loved by different types of emo kids!

The basic emo makeup is just a layer of eyeliner. No eyeshadow, eye pencil or mascara. Just eyeliner, nothing more than that. It doesn't matter if you're talented or not. That's just it. This makeup is be worn by girls but also boys. Eyeliner worn by boys is also called guyliner.

Some emos like to follow the basic eyeliner rule but they are also very creative. Instead of wearing just a layer of eyeliner, they also make a little art from it. They draw some arches, crosses, stips and some little artworks arount the eyeliner. But don't make it too compicated. Emos like to keep it simple.
Emo boy

Most emo boys do prefer to wear this style of makeup. There is no eyeliner needed. Emo boys do like to put some eye pencil around the eyes and sweep this out to look like they have cryed. For this makeup you also can use some red or black eyeshadow to look like a very sad emo boy! Its also worn by Johnnie Guilbert, Patty Walters and Andy Biersack.

Emos that do like to show their dark side do prefer this style of makeup. They put on the basic eyeliner but do surround this by a thick layer of black eyeshadow to make them look extra dramatical. By wearing extra black you can show your sad emotions better and it looks more mysterious.
Scene Queen

This makeup style is worn by a lot of scene queens but some emos do like to wear this too. This style of makeup is much more complicated and isn't meant for beginners. The back side of the eye is coffered in black eyeliner and eyeshadow while the front of the eye is cofferd in white eyeliner and eyeshadow. You also must wear big fake eyelashes. This makeup is very girly and isn't meant for boys (exept if you want to look like a girly boy).
Gerard Way

I call this the Gerard Way makeup style because Gerard Way made this style of makeup populair in emoland. You don't need eyeliner but you have to surround your eyes with red eyeshadow. The original makeup is red but some emos do also like to do this makeup in a different color like blue or pink.
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That shit is ugly af
Makeup is way to express yrself.
emos dont talk as much so makeup and dress code is important to show who u are.
Is makeup really important for Emo style?