Third wave

In the end of the 90s the third wave of emo appeared. In this time the popularity of emo began to grow. some emo bands sold an amount of albums. Also by the emerge of myspace and social media, bands could easeyer make them selfes known. In 2002 emo became wild. It became bigger than ever before!


The emo music of the third wave sounds more like the earlier version of emo. A lot of these newer emo bands are inspired by bands from the first wave and that's why they sound more wilder than the second wave. Also a harder form of emo apearred. This genre is called screamo which the vocals sounds more like screaming. Emo broke into the mainstraim media in 2002 and direcly after this succes, more emo bands started to sign by major record labels. Emo started to reach a bigger amount of fans which found this style of music attractive bacause of the theme's and caracter. This younger fanbase didn't only like the music but also did like the word emo and they started to call them selves emo kids. A lot of older emo fans (which never liked the emo label) didn't like the bands that broke trough the mainstraim in that time.


The emo fans from 2002 had an appearance of short dyed black hair with high cutted bangs on the forehead, glasses with thick black frames and thrift store clothes. This fashion bacame a huge part of the identity of emo.

Because of the rise of internet, unknown bands could be discovered very easily. Also social media became a thing and people could connect and share ideas without meeting each other. Youngsters could share their music idols, photos and makeup. because of the rise of internet the emo subculture was getting bigger than ever! Some bands started to wear black eyeliner and fans copied their style. The emo look arived and bacame very populair. In the mid 2000s the scene subculture followed the emo subculture. Some people think scene evolved imidetly from the emo subculture. (I personally think that scenes actually were people that did like the emo look). The emo and scene subcultures were very conected on socialmedia and shared their clothing ideas with eachother. This all emproved the emo look. That's how emo became a subculture on the internet. Espactually Myspace was very loved by emo kids.

Unfortunately in 2010 the popularity of emo began to wane. Bands broke up and also myspace users moved on to other social media places like facebook. Emo started to fall back into the underground. But don't worry, it's not the end. Some people think emo died but that isn't truth. I'm an emo kid myself and I met a lot of other emo kids. There's hiding a whole fanbase in the shadows of the underground. Still breating and alive.

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6 months ago


Colin taylor
4 years ago

Hi Daphne, once again I am being educated by you, and found it interesting about socialising on social media, it would be cool if you could maybe do a page on why socialising on social media seems to be such a popular thing, surely it is healthier to go out and socialise for real, or do you think it's because of social anxiety. "❤🖤"