(Warning: This text can be a trigger for depressed people). Emos are often be seen as true depressed people. I'm emo myself and often judged by this. Some boys that weren't emo even tried to flirt with me on a depressed way (which I really hated). I'm a true emo kid but I also was really depressed. But don't compare these 2 things with eachother. Because I struggled with depression, I axacly know and can explane why this doesn't belong to the emo subculture:
First thing I want to explain, If you think that depression is a culture and lifestyle than you are totally wrong and don't know what depression really is. The emo subculture is a culture, which means that people that are emo do strive behaviours and thoughts to belong somewhere. They chosed to belong to this culture because this lifestyle makes them happy and proud (I think it's weird if you want to belong to something that makes you unhappy). My own experiences are that if you feel you belong to somewhere and do things that makes you feel happy, than that makes you feel alife.
Depression on the other way does make you feel nothing but dead inside. It's not a lifestyle or culture. Depression is a serious illness which you can't control. When I was in the deepest of my depression, I was truelly suffering. It was really painfull. That pain I wish to no one. I wanted to not feel that pain and did my best to numb it and fought for my life. This depression did make me feel dead in my head but my body was still alife and that convused me. I had to demp all of the lights to sit in the pure darkness because light did make me hurt and I couldn't take it. I didn't sleep because sleeping felt useless. I evaded people arount me to not hear sounds but pure silence. I could do nothing more than laying down because the depression took all my energie (I don't even know how someone with no energy could spend effort to dress emo). It made me feel dead and I also whised to be dead.
This is why I hate it when people think depression belongs to a culture. You can't choose for a depression because it's nothing more than pure pain you developed in the years (you also can't choose to feel pain of your legg out of nothing). And if someone want's a depression, than that person doesn't have a depression but an another illness.
Which a lot of people do forget is that emotional isn't a word only meant to sadness. Being emo means being sensitive to all feelings. This also can be love, happyness or angryness. Its a fact that emos can feel depressed or sad really fast but this is because of their sensitiveness. I truelly believe that subcultures didn't evlope out of nowhere. Most subcultures did evolve from people that where dissatisfied about this world. Punk, hippies, goths, scenes... al of them somewere felt they didn't belong. But being hurted can also be really powerfull and can improve a wounded world. Also emos do.

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