
All subcultures do have have an image in the outside world. Punks are aggressive, hippies are slow and goths are dark inside. Also emo did have evolved trough the years an image by people outside the subculture. Some people do have the personallity to judge, and spread these myths and storys trough the world. And that's how an image is created from the emo subculture. by the outern world, emos are often seen as suicidal, depressed and self-harming kids. Some even think that the emo subculture is dangerous for youngsters. In Russia 2008 some people even offered a law to prohibit the emo subculture in schools and government buildings. They tought emos are too dangerous for youngsters. In this chapter I'll collect emo myths that aren't true and I will speak about these misconseptions.
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Im suffering from emoness