Social Media
The internet is an important world for emo kids. A part of the emo lifestyle is being very active on social media. emos are known as people that are spending a lot of their time on Social media. Myspace was a very popular community in the past for emos (now it died out). Emos find contact with eatchother and meet the onces that think the same about this wounded world.
That the internet is an important place for emos isn't that weird. The rise of social media is an important part of the emo-subculture history. Emo is an subculture which belongs to the music genre emotional hardcore. before social media was a part, emo already was a subculture. But with the internet bands could promote their music and reach their fans very easely, and teens could share their favorite bands, pictures and ideas without meeting eachother. With myspace, teens could create their own online identity. This led to a rise of the emo subculture popularity.

In this myspace era appeared also the first selfies. As far as known is the word selfie first used on the thirteenth of september 2002 on an Australian forum. Used by someone that apologizes himself about a blur photo by writing: And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie. Also emos like to take selfies of them selves. Emos are known to take selfies from weird corners and they are using a lot of filters or use photoshop to edit them. Also a lot of emos do like to write things on their hands or on a piece of paper and take a selfie with it. My tip to make a selfie very emo: Try to look shy but also really cute. Don't look sexy.

Emos don't feel at home in the system. They have their own specific look at the world. To belong somewhere emos like to be with people just like them. They're doing this by seeking eachother out on social media. This is the place where they can share their feelings, toughts and ideas with eachother. Being together with people that think the same as you feels less lonely and together you form a group. Don't be shy, be directly open about your feelings. Emos are the people that will not judge them.
Sources: Vice, Bloggen, Soemo, Lifepersona, Wikipedia,
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I love Emo girls it's that look what's not to like yeah cheers.
yeah in the world