
Well.. Emo all started with punk. Punk is like emo a subculture and music genre that was populair in the past. Without punk emo would never exist. Punk is a really important ancestor of the emo subculture and that's why it is my emo history chapter nummber one!
Punk originally was a music genre formed in the VS in the 70s. in 1970 the word Punk first was used by Nick Tosches in the magazine Fusion. He coupled punk to rough rockmusic.

During the same time, an economical crisis in England occurred. More and more people losed their jobs and there wasn't enough money for everyone. A lot of youngsters were workless and dissatisfied. these youngers started to rebbelion. They rebbeled against the people that had a lot of money. Their political statement was rough, so also their music, clothes and behavior. And a new subculture was born: Punk.
Before Punk, music was really complicated and wasn't meant for everyone to make it. To create music you had to educate. Punks thought this was ridiculous. Why do you need money to make music? Punks just create their own music. Their music was really simple and everyone could play it. The Lyrics of the songs were often about their political statements or about the punk ideologys. Punks tought it's really importand to be yourself and not to adjust for what others want from you. They wanted to be indepent. They showed this by wearing rough clothes like boots, rough pents, collored rough hair and buttons.
The punk music genre got a lot of sub genres. A lot of subcultures from the 2000s were developed from these subgenres. Like: New wave, Straight edge, gothic, Skate punk and ofcourse Emo.

Sources: Wikipedia, Ministryofrock, Pietmuziek, Renata Kaagman
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