Emo hairstyles (Girls)
All emo hairstyles look very similar, even the hairstyles of emo boys and girls isn't that different. However they look like each other, there still are different emo hairstyles. Emo hair can be dyed in many differend colors (mostly black). And there also are differend haircuts. In this chapter I'll collect differend emo hairstyles for girls.

When you search on Google for emo hair girls than this hairstyle is the first thing you'll see. It's layered hair which coffers one eye. Sometimes it's teased and fluffy too. Most girls with this hairstyle do have actually shoulder length hair but they make it look longer by wearing extensions. But of course you can grow your hair too. :) The scene queen Lexi Lush is a good example for this hairstyle.

If your parents don't like the emo style but you want to look emo than this hairstyle is a great solution! With bangs you can look creepy and cute whitch makes this hairstyle very emo. You also can cut layers. When you suit it with bows it will even look more emo. Some famous scene queens did rock this hairstyle such as Dakota Rose.

This emo hairstyle is very simple. It's not cut in shape. Girls with this hairstyle just do have simple basic long hair. The only way to make it look emo is just by brushing your hair forwarth and using a lot of hairspray to form long bangs which covers one eye. Some emo girls do tease it too to make it look big and fluffy. The YouTube star Eugenia Cooney is a great example of this hairstyle.

This is a very popular hairstyle among emo girls. I think it's a kinda more modern emo hairstyle. It's also a more difficult hairstyle to style. This hairstyle is folded in the right place. One side of the hair looks bigger and contains more hair than the other side because the hair is folded that way. It's teased perfectly in place and hold together by a lot of hairspray! Girls with this hairstyle are very creative and dye their hair in many different collors. They also use a lot of extensions to make it even look bigger!
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Are girls able to get boy emo haircuts?
Amazing 😍 they all look good tbh but I prefer my hair to be traditional